909 area code
909 area code

In December 1999, the PUC suspended all overlays previously approved in response to customer concern over the 310 overlay and requisite 1+10-digit dialing.

909 area code code#

An overlay assigns another area code over the same geographic region as the current area code.

  • In 1999, the PUC approved a two-phase change: a geographic split and subsequent overlay.
  • The 909 area code (Riverside and San Bernardino) was created when it was split from the 714 area code in 1992.
  • Commission staff is assessing carriers' inventory levels to determine whether carriers should return more blocks to the 909 number pool. Number pooling rules allow carriers to maintain up to a 6-month inventory of available numbers. The PUC has reclaimed 70 prefixes throughout California and in 2002 convinced the two largest telephone companies to donate an additional 1,790 thousand-blocks throughout California, including additional blocks donated to the 909 numberpool.

    909 area code

    Number pooling allows for the assignment of numbers to carriers in thousand-blocks, groups of 1000 numbers, rather than whole prefixes or groups of 10,000 numbers. The Commission is continuing to petition the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) for additional authority to pursue more ambitious number conservation measures, such as a specialized overlay area code for non-geographic phone numbers (numbers used for fax machines and data transmission) and more aggressive number pooling, while planning for the eventual need for new area codes in the 310 and 909 areas. The number conservation rules have also allowed carriers to continue to receive phone numbers to serve new customers in the 310 and 909 area codes three years after the previously forecasted expiration dates of these area codes. These rules have staved off what appeared in 1999 to be the necessity of adding 16 new area codes to California's roster of 25 area codes. In an effort to preserve area codes and minimize costs to homes and businesses of changing phone numbers, the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is monitoring compliance by telecommunication carriers with the telephone number conservation rules the Commission has implemented during the past three years. PUC EFFORTS IN PRESERVING AREA CODES - 909 General Information about the 909 Area Codeĥ05 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102

    909 area code